تعليم ، كتب ، الرياضة ، بكالوريا ، نتائج ، مسابقات ، أدب وشعر ، الهندسة الإلكترونية بكل أنواعها ، اللغات ، التعليم التقني والجامعي
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
date الإثنين 15 مايو - 11:57
date الإثنين 8 مايو - 22:14
date الأحد 19 أغسطس - 16:42
date الأحد 19 أغسطس - 15:17
date السبت 18 أغسطس - 17:10
date السبت 18 أغسطس - 17:00
date السبت 18 أغسطس - 16:56
date السبت 18 أغسطس - 14:52
date السبت 18 أغسطس - 10:07
date الخميس 16 أغسطس - 17:02
date الخميس 16 أغسطس - 16:54
date الأربعاء 15 أغسطس - 18:13
date الأربعاء 15 أغسطس - 18:08
date الأربعاء 15 أغسطس - 10:21


 تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل....

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 43954
نقاط : 136533
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/09/2014
العمر : 29
الموقع : سيدي عامر

تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل.... Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل....   تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل.... Emptyالأحد 19 مارس - 11:27

تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل....

تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل.... Rosettastone


Rosetta Stone is proprietary language-learning software produced by
Rosetta Stone, Ltd. Its title and its logo are an allusion to the Rosetta
Stone, an artifact inscribed in multiple languages that helped researchers
to decipher Ancient Egyptian by comparing it to the Greek in******ion.

The Rosetta Stone software utilizes a combination of images, ,,,,, and
sound, with difficulty levels increasing as the student progresses, in order
to teach various vocabulary terms and grammatical functions intuitively,
without drills or translation. Their method is called the Dynamic Immersion
method. The goal is to teach languages the way first languages are learned.

Haha spent many all-nighters uploading this one and I'm proud to say
I'm done. As with any other thread of mine, if you download anything or
if you like my threads, please tell me so either in the form of thanks or a reply.
It means a lot to me and I would appreciate it.

This software was particularly hard as there are actually 31 different languages.
Here are only 13 of those 31 languages. I'm truly sorry, but I could not find
any other complete language sets on the net. If you didn't know, these
language packs come in sets of three and though there were more languages,
I chose not to upload them as they were not complete (they only had Level
1 or Levels 1-2). Please do not ask me to find any other language; I've
already done a very thorough search using every resource I know of and I
assure, if there was a complete set on the net, I would have found it.


..:: TUTORIAL ::..
~~~How to Install Rosetta Stone v3~~~

1) Download this file


2) Extract the file using winrar.

with the password: shyboi122
3) Run the .exe and install the program. If it asks you to update
it at all, do not and allow the install to finish.
4) After installation is complete, download this file.


It is the CRACK for the application and will allow you to use
the program without having to pay for it.
5) Follow the instructions given in the CRACK and do as it says.
6) After all this is done, download any language you want.
There are different levels and you do not need to download all of them
for the program to work, just the level you are on, or for most people, L1.
7) After the language has been downloaded, extract it using winrar
with the password: shyboi122
Cool An iso file will show up. I would highly recommend that you do not burn the
iso to a cd disc. Instead, mount it using a mounting software such as PowerISO


It will not only save you the trouble but I've also been getting reports that if
you burn it to cd, the program will not run the language correctly.
9) After you have gotten all of that set up, run the Rosetta Stone program.
It will ask you to load up a language if you have done everything correctly.
Please select the language that you have mounted.
10) The program will install the language and you will be able to use it
to the fullest extent. Please ignore any prompts that asks you to
update the program or register the product. Doing this will void your
license and not allow you full use of the program.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
تعلم اللغات مع هذا البرنامج rosetta stone v3 ..تعليم وتعلم...لغات اسرع وافضل....
استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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سيدي عامر إنفو :: القسم الدراسي والتعليمي :: التوظيف والمسابقات دروس و البحوث :: مــنتدى تعـليم اللغــــات الاجــنبية والترجمة مجانا-
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